Wise Owl Musings

New Moon in Scorpio
October 27, 2019

This New Moon is going to ask you to look at the bigger picture and to see things from a bigger perspective. Expect changes that come like a lightning bolt out of the blue, especially in areas Scorpio in the eighth house rules—sex, secrets, schemes, scandals, dreams, other people's money, death, and transformation of all types.
This New Moon in Scorpio is opposite Uranus (planet of surprises) and thus creates spontaneous, erratic, and chaotic energy and changes affecting all areas of our lives including relationships, money, and income. It will be unsettling for some and exciting for others. Know that you may be asked to let go of things you’d rather hold on to or have to go in new directions.
This highly charged energy can cause anxiety, impatience, abruptness, impulsiveness, and aggressiveness. People will be restless and exhibit impulsive and erratic behavior. Expect arguments and people standing firm to their opinions. If you find yourself in the middle of any emotional dramas and histrionics, step away from your ego and don’t engage or participate, but instead be gentle, kind and respectful towards others, while managing your own emotions.
If this wasn’t enough, there is a Mars-Saturn transit that will be indicative of frustrating or limiting circumstances.
All this could put relationships to the test with an increased need for personal freedom and greater independence which could create distance between partners. There could also be financial problems that need addressing that will add to the tensions.
So don't be surprised if you feel some type of anger or frustration, and when you do, it is better to keep quiet and wait it out instead of blowing up and then having to pick up all the broken pieces while looking back with regret on how you should have handled things differently.
This is, though, a good time to be honest with yourself about getting clear on the best ways to fulfill your desires. This New Moon supports dedication and commitment to whatever you would like, what you really want, and not what you tell yourself that you want.
And if you wanted even more excitement in your life, on All Hallows Eve, October 31st, Mercury will be going retrograde, and allowing you to delve into the spirit realms with far more ease and tune into your intuition.
The Tarot Card that I paired with this New Moon is The 5 of cups.
This card’s imagery is of the feelings when things go differently than you expected.
Of not letting go of things which were in the past.
In spite of the card art, this is one of hope.
To count your blessings where there is loss.
To not become so focused on regrets as to overlook the good in what has been left behind.
It is time to re-evaluate life's priorities, to be thankful what you do have in life and to learn from the mistakes of the past.
To accept the things you can’t change.
You must trust that once you accept what is and are prepared to let go,
The Universe will replace your loss with something of worth and real value.

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