Wise Owl Musings

November’s Taurus Full Moon
A Chance to Change to Live Better
November 11, 2019

The Full Moon on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at 5:34am PST, is at 19 degrees 51 minutes of Taurus, making it the last Full Moon before the Winter Solstice.

November’s Full Moon has the vibration of abundance. Time to realize your full worth and find ways to increase that abundance in your life. Find alternate sources to increase your income, go through your finances and budgets to fine tune them and find ways you can save more. It isn’t about going out and buying material possessions to bolster your image and ego; it is about how you are setting yourself up to have a successful financial future. A chance to change to live a better life.

Stop looking outside yourself for your self-worth. Stop being distracted by everyone else and their ‘shiny objects’. Remove from your life the people, activities, thoughts, and possessions that no longer harmoniously resonate with you and are preventing you from the transformation of achieving your long term goals.
Right now and for the next two weeks, any relationship that involves finances, values and the support you have from others – monetary or otherwise - might see you dealing with and engaging in power struggles. Face these directly so that you will have resolution and answers that will allow you to feel more monetarily secure.

Take a look at how your relationships help you achieve your goals. Who are the people you count on and who will be there if you need help. It also is about how willing you are of giving help if someone asks you to help them. Check your boundaries and limits. Are you balanced or is there an imbalance between the giving and taking?
This Full Moon will activate everyone to look at their longer term goals. Start preparing for the transition from fall into winter, both in actuality and metaphorically. Explore your emotions around finances and possessions by taking an inventory of what all you have - from your bank accounts to your health to your relationships and friends. Where do you have enough and not enough? Where are you taking more than giving? Are you satisfied about where you are at this point in the year? Do you need to redo your strategy for your long term goals?
All Full Moons signify end of cycles and this Full Moon is about the theme of release and closures. You might find that an issue or situation that has been hanging around since the beginning of the year is suddenly resolved and gone, and a positive resolution to the issues that have caused us to be off balance especially in the past two weeks.

Now is the time to end the negative cycles in your life and bring more abundance in. Focusing on gratitude will increase the abundance vibration. Voicing your gratitude will increase your abundance vibration. Although every year has its challenges, every year is full of blessings that you can celebrate. Go back and look at each month of this past year, and find at least one thing that you are grateful for from that month.

Use this Full Moon to recharge yourself, streamline your everyday life, get your finances in order, and practice ample self-care. Focus your intentions, open yourself to your intuition, voice your gratitude, and then do the work that needs to be done to achieve successful outcomes. Keep your heart and mind open for the Universe to share the gifts it has to offer you. Those gifts could turn your dream into reality.

I pulled the Seven of Pentacles for this November Full Moon. This card is about, growth, long term views and perseverance. About readjusting strategies and goals. About having a strong desire to invest in sustainable future result.
Stop and assess where you are going with and in life. The decisions you make with this assessment will be relevant to your future, so start thinking about it so you start working on it!

Have your sights set on your future and make some important changes. It is about working at the finer details of various aspects of your life, in an effort to continuously improve your life situations. About different ways of doing things. Look at what you have been doing and see what you can do differently to achieve your life goals.

There will be quite a few things that need addressing but you know that it is necessary. If you are looking to grow your savings, where you can make small and large changes in your everyday life that will result in small and large savings? Consider not getting that daily morning latte or what about eating out only once a month instead of weekly. How about doing a staycation and exploring your own city instead of that two week vacation to far away destination. Make it easier to build your savings by taking a look at routine savings programs where every payday a small amount is deposited into a savings or retirement account, which will grow over the years. Find pro-active actions you can take now for a better future.
Investing time and effort now will all pay off in long term down the road of your life’s journey.

And with the year 2020 a few weeks away, schedule your Twelve Month Tarot forecast today to see what your road ahead might look like and how you can be pro-active in reaching your goals.

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