New Moon January 24, 2020
Endings and Beginnings
THE NEW MOON occurs at 1:41 p.m. PST on Friday, January 24th, at 04°21′ Aquarius is square Uranus.
This is the best New Moon of the year for breaking with the old and starting the new. Think about what you are hoping for,
where you’re going, what you want to be doing. Seize opportunities to pursue your dreams – and dream big!
Aquarius governs change so this is a great time to shake up the status quo. Push past your fears and insecurities, step up, and
stand up for the future you want. Break from tradition and routine. Try something you never have before. It may be totally out of
your comfort zone, completely weird, maybe even trailblazing. But just try it. Embrace what's different and your own individuality.
Be true to yourself, be authentically unique, and feel comfortable with the quirks and eccentricities that you have and that make you
who you are.
It is a time to be open-minded and proactive about the actions needed to experience changes in areas of your life where you have not felt
authentic to yourself and have not been nurturing who you truly are.
Change is a constant in the world, so how we deal with it determines the outcome of the situations we face in life. Sometimes resisting
the natural progress of change allows us to remain comfortable. Other times we don’t do anything and are at a standstill. And then
there are times when the changes will completely alter the landscape of our lives, and instead of embracing the change, fear holds us
back from accepting these changes leaving us immobilized to the point where we are missing future opportunities that would make our lives
This New Moon is a time to get better at feeling our emotions that we don’t want to look at - the ones that are blocked or submerged.
Stop burying or sweeping away your emotions and feelings and allow yourself to see, acknowledge, address and then deal with them, for
these are what have been blocking you in certain areas of your life. Let loose of whatever emotional baggage you have and so you can
start living your life to the fullest.
Feeling these emotions will probably have us experiencing unpredictable behavior and mood swings along with some frustrations, uncertainty,
anxiety, insecurity and overreacting, all which can result in unexpected changes in many areas of our lives. That is because it is asking us
to change the way we have been feeling about ourselves and our lives. To finally deal with what we haven’t wanted to so there can be new
During this New Moon, be open-minded, flexible and proactive about positive changes. This energy could prompt you into taking the
action necessary to experience freedom and changes in areas of your life that have not felt authentic or nurturing to who you truly are
and what you deeply desire. It is time to stop putting yourself last on your to-do list. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury,
it's a necessity.
Be willing to see and do things in new, different ways. Consider the impossible. Embrace change. Dream. Ideas are just that, ideas,
and don't have to initially always make sense. This lunation will take your plans to a higher level, and it will be up to you to
accept this challenge of change and new beginnings.
With this New Moon, visualize where you see yourself in the future.
The Tarot cards for this New Moon are
The World and Ace of Cups.
Out with the old and in with the new.
The World card is about the need for closure, successful completions. And with every conclusion there are new beginnings.
Even though you may know it is time to move on, it might be an end of era that defined your life that you might not want or
reluctantly welcome.
The Ace of Cups is about new emotional beginnings. Emotional turning points where things start feeling better. About not repressing
your emotions, forgiving yourself and others of past mistakes and initiating healing. Of opening your heart. Looking after your own
emotional wellbeing.
New beginnings will present themselves when you no longer deny your feelings. You will have to expose and deal with some emotions, which, for
many, is uncomfortable to do, but it will allow new possibilities to enter your life. If you have the courage to allow yourself to feel your
full range of emotions, to venture into new ways of feeling and seeing, you will grasp a personal fulfillment that many seek their whole lives
to find. You will have the freedom to move ahead.
Where do you want to feel more joy and fulfillment?
Where do you want to go from here?
Joyful Blessings
Do you want to know what is on your road ahead?
Schedule your Tarot Reading today
Cards from the following decks: Tarot of the Cat People; Crow Tarot; The Good Tarot; The Light Seer’s Tarot; Ostara Tarot; Silver Witchcraft Tarot.