New Moon June 21, 2020
Transformation, Redirection
The Cancer New Moon on June 21st at 11:41pm PST, is a ring of fire solar eclipse. The ring of fire is symbolic of creation and also destruction,
for there has to be a release for the creation/rebirth to happen. It is also a North Node eclipse where unexpected changes and opportunities
will rewrite the scripts of destinies. These point us to what we need to learn or do to move in the direction of our purpose. There are
opportunities and new beginnings, but you will also be asked to adjust to new circumstances.

Big things happen when there are Eclipses. It is a time that points to what you need to change, so you can reconnect with your purpose.
This is a powerful and significant Eclipse, the day after Summer Solstice, and one that will bring changes that might at first feel
uncomfortable but will lead to a better future. Each solstice sets the stage for the next 3 months and an eclipse sets the stage for
the next 6 months. What will occur now will affect us, individually and the world as a whole, and what will emerge will affect us through
our lifetime. Take some time to ponder where you have been, where you are now and where you want to be in the future.
Every 19 years the eclipses fall on or very near the same degrees and sign placement and the last one at this exact degree was the eclipse
that preceded 9/11. It’s going to be one of those points in time that in hindsight become the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ markers in our lives
and in history. It is opposite the Galactic Centre Source which is about strong karmic and collective shifts.

This particular Eclipse addresses rebirth and the start of large-scale awakenings, with the energy bringing forth uncertainty and deep
questioning about the direction of our lives, for individuals, countries and the world. About new beginnings and rebuilding, where
transformation and change are inevitable. And while we see what is possible and what is standing in our way, know that the choices,
decisions and steps we take now will last for many years.
Influenced by the planet Saturn, this New Moon creates an imbalance between what you want to do and what you have to do. It will have us
balancing our personal freedoms against responsibilities, self-expressions and restriction, flexibility and being open minded all while
adapting to change. Like the Crab you will feel like you step one direction only to step in another – a push and pull, push and pull.
Although frustrating, it will offer the time to assess and make calculated risks and decisions to get to where you need to go. There are
many unknown underlying factors, so proceed with caution.

Cancer is about home, family, lifestyle, tradition and security, and during the next few weeks in particular, you could see many changes
developing in those areas which will result in shifts in your life. Finding compromise might prove to be difficult but even minor changes
and adjustments could restore balance.
Add to all this is Mercury moving retrograde in the sign of Cancer on June 17th, bringing increased power to the words you speak and write,
the thoughts you think, and adding heightened sensitivity to their receptivity. Be more careful and cautious when interacting with others
for you will see that emotions will be set to high unpredictability, and your thoughts and words will be felt far and wide. Re-think how
you understand and interpret the world around you and how you can communicate to create understanding.

Establish and find your personal sanctuary. Don’t take everything personally and don’t try to control events or other people. Your m.o.
should be to respond rather than react. To flow with the changes.
How the next 3 – 6 months will go for you and for everyone is pretty much along the line of expect the unexpected and accept the unknown.

With all the balancing that will need to be done, the Judgment Tarot card will add additional guidance.
This Major Arcana card is a card about transformation, rebirth, a new phase, and renewal. You and the World can’t continue the way things are
anymore. Significant life-changing events are about to take place but we have to first address what’s brought us to this point. We
cannot ignore to do so for the Universe is sending us forward into a different future World.
We have to face the challenges head on, for the choices made during this period will affect the rest of our lives and should not be taken
lightly. Even the smallest decision can affect the future in more way than we will ever know. It will also be about the decisions and
choices we don’t make that will matter.
We will finally see the possibilities, be open to new ideas and experiences, find more truth and wisdoms, revive hopes and dreams long forgotten,
for they will be from the depths of our souls and will benefit our lives and our world more than we ever imagined. There is a new World

Each and every decision and choice you make impacts your future.
A Tarot reading can help explore your purpose and direction and find the best path into your future.
Book your reading with me today.
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards from: The Wise Dog Tarot by M.J. Cullinane; The Grimalkin Tarot by M.J.
Cullinane; Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome and Shina; Wizards Tarot by Barbara Moore; The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne;
The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne; Hush Tarot by Jeremy Hush; John Bauer Tarot by John Bauer; The Sasuraibito Tarot by Stasia
Burrington; Ostara Tarot by Molly Applejohn; The Mary-El Tarot by Marie White; Tarot Familiars by Lisa Parker