Wise Owl Musings

New Moon September 17, 2020
Organize, Simplify

The Virgo New Moon will make her appearance on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 at 4:00am PDT.
Here in the Pacific North West of Washington state, amid the thick layers of thick smoke from numerous wildfires, the tree leaves are already changing colors as autumn rapidly approaches, and like the leaves, this New Moon is a time to turn over a new leaf in and for your life.
Get real about how you live your everyday life. Assess how you are making the most of your time. See what needs to stay and what needs to go. Where and what do you want to begin anew?

It is about being practical, getting organized, decluttering your life and your mind, making lists, being productive, and staying on track and on schedule to accomplish your tangible projects and goals. So whether you tidy up your desk, your closet or your entire home; revamp and reengage your diet or exercise routines; look at your emotions and your spirit to see what needs adjusting, this Virgo New Moon provides the opportunity to shed some habits and bring fresh starts.

Whatever area of life you want to change or improve, this is an excellent time to commit to a plan. Analyze your life today, looking at every part and check to see if it is in balance. Be open to new ideas, expand your belief system, and adapt to a changing world. What you focus on grows and a step-by-step process is your best bet. Get organized now and begin to make space for that which is meant to be in your life later this year.

Effectively analyze situations and map out practical solutions, inventory what is and isn’t working, and then make the necessary adjustments. This will be beneficial in planning and creating structure working towards your future goals.

With this New Moon, it is a good time to start projects; however they may not be new projects. Instead, they will probably be ones you are doing over again, or ones that were tried in the past but you didn't follow through with or finish, or thought about but didn't pursue and now want to try again. When you are ready, go for the ones that bring you joy because now is the time to plant the seeds of tomorrow.
You will feel more confident expressing your own individuality and uniqueness, since this New Moon increases your desire for self-improvement. This means you first need to accept your imperfections and what you cannot change and only then can you go forward. This is a good time to start new, healthy habits and build routines and patterns into your life for your health and well-being, for now and the future. Since Virgo is the sign of health and healing, start to eat healthier, begin exercising in smaller increments – even as little as 5 minutes every day is a beginning. Break it all down into smaller bits so it isn’t as overwhelming.
This New Moon will make you more disciplined about sticking to any intentions you set now because you will be more realistic about your abilities and capabilities, more conscious of your limitations, and willing to put in the hard work necessary to bring your goals to fruition.
It is about getting back to basics. Look at what feeds your soul, what nourishes you. So, get that pen and paper to make notes and lists that will help you power through your to-do list. The Virgo New Moon is your cue to get things organized and done.

To simplify and put things in their proper place and order.

To set achievable goals – daily, weekly and monthly.

To find the routines that will improve your life and set the course of action enabling you to reach your goals.
When the Emperor card is drawn, it is asking you to look at the way you organize and live your life. The structure of organizing and simplifying can be found with this card, which represents stability, structure, practicality, planning, focus, being well-organized, persistence, discipline and being realistic about your life. This Emperor stands for the solid actions you take, the tangible results you get, and the visible signs of success you achieve as a result of your actions.
The Emperor is strategic who creates order by employing principles or guidelines in any situation. Creating order by breaking down problems into mini sections and then mapping out the actions for resolution.

Of getting down to work with that new project requiring you paying attention to details;

Of making lists, checking them off with a pride of accomplishment;

Of setting up routines that will help you manage your life;

Of taking a systematic approach of being highly organized, and sticking to plans until the successful end.
It’s a powerful time for practical solutions in our lives. By embracing the qualities of the Emperor, you will have the keys to guide you to confidently move ahead and provide you the ability to achieve your goals.
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Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards (in order shown): Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland and Nyx Rowan; The Tarot of Enchanted Dreams by Yasmeen Westwood; Farrago Spiritum Tarot by Yvette Endrijautzki and Raven Bella Zingaro; Journey of the Sacred Bee by Kelly Burton; The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne; The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne; The Children of Litha Tarot by Alexandria Huntington; The Ellis Deck by Taylor Ellis; The Grimalkin Tarot and The Crow Tarot, both by M.J. Cullinane; Tarot of the Cat People by Karen Kuykendall; Crystal Tarot by Elisabetta Trevisan
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Past Blogs

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April 2020 A Time to Review and Reset    March 2020 Evolving into a Different Future
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December 2019 New Moon Solar Eclipse    November 2019 New Horizons
November 2019 New Moon    November 2019 Last Mercury Retrograde
October 2019 New Moon    October 2019
September 2019    September 2019 New Moon

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