New Moon October 16th, 2020
Balance, Harmony, Patience
This month’s New Moon happens at Libra at 23º52′ on Oct 16th, 2020 at 12:31pm (PDT). It is a super moon (meaning that it is closer
to the Earth than a normal new moon), and it magnifies the effects of this lunation. And because this also occurs during a Mercury
Retrograde, you will have to face your past and make plans for the future at the same time, creating tension within yourself, in
partnerships and relationships.

Libra is about balance, harmony, fairness, peace, justice, and love. These are the qualities to keep in the forefront of your life under
the intense energies of this New Moon.
At the same time, because of other planetary aspects, watch out for the not-so pleasant features during this time which will show
up as irritation, anger, resentment, frustration, impulsiveness, hostility, delays, restrictions, disappointment, and frustration.
You can keep balance in your life if you manage these feelings when they surface.

Libra energy reveals to us where things may be out of balance. Focus on the areas of your life or the relationships in your life that
you've lately neglected. If you are dealing with any challenging relationships, things may come to a head. Consider a new strategy
to work through things. Don’t feel like you need to have it all figured out.
The people in our lives reflect who and where we are, and interpersonal conflict reflects inner discord. Everyone we meet is our teacher,
illuminating our personal strengths and weaknesses. The people who irritate and annoy us the most show us the parts of ourselves that we
ourselves have to work on to create our own inner peace.

To cultivate peace and harmony in your relationships, honor and meet your individual needs and desires first before others. It is going
to take nurturing, support, and getting to the roots of matters. Unearth the truths and draw boundaries which, in themselves, are a form
of communication. They are necessary and beneficial for everyone.
While seeking to learn from present and past issues and challenges, you could have unrealistic expectations and ghosts from the past.
Avoid acting without first giving very careful thought to what you are about to say and do. Patience and more subtle approaches along
with communication that is open, fair and honest are required now to resolve arguments and conflict. Being a little more diplomatic in
all interactions wouldn’t hurt either. These are the time to come together, work together, to find some middle ground, and move forward

New Moons are a good time to purge and purify to make way for new energy. This includes letting go of limiting beliefs that keep you from
living a balanced and harmonious life. Strive for a new way to integrate opposites in your life, to find a way to balance your personal
needs with your needs in partnership(s) - personal and professional.
You can now plant new intentions for a harmonious future. In six months, when the Moon is full in Libra, look back on this day and reflect
on the hopes and intentions you planted. Did you nurture them and did they grow? What did you build and what kind of structures do you
really want to have in place as you move forward.

I asked the Tarot: What do we need to know about this Libra New Moon. These two cards shared ways to deal with the high volatility and rocky
emotional waves during this lunation.
2 of Cups is about looking at the connections in your life, especially the one-on-ones. The friendships, relationships, partnerships.
This card is about harmony and togetherness. Of keeping lines of communication open to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunications.
Take a look at how and where you can compromise and cooperate with others in your life. Rethink your attitudes, behavior and strategies
to regain balance in all areas of your life.

Temperance asks you to do your best to take the middle of the way approach and accommodate all perspectives, for now is not the time to be
highly opinionated or controversial. Be the peacekeeper and take a balanced and moderate approach, avoiding any extremes. Actively bring
patience, harmony, and moderation into your life.
Reviewing and redefining how you bring balance and harmony into the interactions with others offers us a harmonious chance at a new
beginning, especially when it comes to partnerships and legal matters. Find ways to promote and incorporate peace. Choose kindness
instead of drama and infuse your everyday with a little more patience and compassion.

This October New Moon is powerful
Be gentle with yourself and others
Empower yourself to bring about peace and harmony
To your life and into the lives others
Schedule a Reading with me today to find your balance and harmony!
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards from the following decks (in order shown):
Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland; The Journey of the Sacred Bee by Kelly Burton; Farrago Spiritum Tarot by Zingaro and Endrijautzki;
Crystal Tarot by Elisbetta Trevisan; Hush Tarot by Jeremy Hush; The Shadowland Tarot by Monica Bodirsky; The Children of Litha by
Alexandria Huntington; The El Goliath Tarot Deck by GoLiath