Uranus is retrograde in Taurus
August 19, 2021, to January 18, 2022
Transitions, Changes
Look at life through a fresh lens, toss out the old ways of doing things, and create a whole new world, from the inside out, because
this time, it’s you who needs to change, not the world around you. Start looking at the internal changes in attitude or behaviors which
are necessary to make desired changes possible, allowing you to process things internally before you manifest the external change. It's
time to get real and face your fears and eliminate the things that aren't working in your life.

Open your mind to new possibilities, which will bring curiosity, inventiveness, flexibility, intuition, and psychic awareness giving you
new opportunities to take advantage of exciting changes and new information. Work through your fears of letting go of limiting beliefs,
habits, routines, and people and any other elements of your life that have you feeling stuck and aren't in alignment with your true
identity. Get real about what you want. No more lies, no living someone else's life. Become the person who you really want to be.

Ask yourself: What do I want from life? What kind of changes do I need to make, and what is the best way to make them? Start with
yourself, your attitudes, personal goals, and even your appearance. Take a look at all areas of your life and find the ones that need
a reality check and adjustments– family, friends, relationships, career, finances, emotions, health, future hopes and dreams.
Do everyday things differently. Be different. Experience new activities, feelings, and relationships. Make new friends. Look at
those chance encounters as the Universe’s way of making your life more interesting. Change jobs or even careers. Make plans to
move to a different city, state, even country. Explore new interest groups. Take up a new hobby or exercise. Read different genre.
Eat new foods. Anything and everything is something that can be new and different.

Be ready for new possibilities when The World card shows ups. It indicates endings that brings huge transitions and changes to your life,
and even though you will experience some losses because some things will have to be left behind, ultimately, you will be happier and more
successful because it allows you to reinvent your life.
Big changes can happen. But you’ve got to let them. Be brave. Let yourself become a new version of you – ultimately, it's the way to
your happiness.
What areas of your life will there be changes?
Let’s set up a time to explore what you might expect!
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards (in order shown):
Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne; Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot by Kelly Burton; Couture Tarot by Megan Skinner; ShadowScapes
Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law; El Tarot De Los Magos by C.Kenner and J.Blumen.
Past Blogs
Click year to view. Click again to hide.
New Moon Leo, August 8, 2021
New Moon Cancer, July 9, 2021
New Moon in Gemini, June 10, 2021
New Moon in Taurus, May 11, 2021
New Moon in Aries, April 11, 2021
New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021
New Moon Aquarius, February 11, 2021
New Moon Capricorn, January 12-13, 2021
2021, The Year of the Hierophant, Beliefs, Balance and New Paths
Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020, The Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 14, 2020, New Perspective, New Direction
New Moon Saturday November 14th, 2020, Transformations, Strength
Full Blue Moon October 31st, 2020 Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, Samhain
New Moon October 16th, 2020 Balance, Harmony, Patience
New Moon September 17, 2020 Organize, Simplify
New Moon August 18th, 2020 Get It Together
New Moon July 20, 2020 Revise, Rebuild
June 2020 Transformation, Redirection
May 2020 Opportunities for New Beginnings
April 2020 A Time to Review and Reset
March 2020 Evolving into a Different Future
February 2020 New Seeds of Inspiration
January 2020 Endings and Beginnings