New Moon Virgo
September 6, 2021 at 5:51pm PDT
Analyze, Explore
This year has been one where all of us have had to figure out how to be who we are within the parameters of a new way of being.
This New Moon in Virgo is a time of being highly focused on practical matters, helping you to clean up and organize areas of your life
where you have been procrastinating and updating your priorities.

Be adaptable to the ever changing world while questioning old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new and unique ways to move
forward on your life’s journey. Your intuition will be enhanced which will bring flashes of insight leading to self-discovery, self-awareness
and breakthroughs creating the necessary positive changes in your life.

Try leaving your comfort zone and normal routines by doing new things, doing them differently or doing something you have always wanted
to do but where hesitant or fearful, allowing yourself to step into a new pattern of living. There is a need for practical solutions
using a blend of realistic and practical, sprinkled with possibilities, while at the same time not overanalyzing or overthinking
everything because doing so may shadow solutions that are readily available but that only come with flexibility and spontaneity.

It’s a good time to do anything that needs to be done. Organize all areas of your life, make lists and schedules and find clarity where
you are unsure. Analyze what is working and not working in your everyday life and be honest about where you need a fresh start. Get organized
and begin to make space for that which is meant to be in your life later this year. Look to see what can be recycled, removed, repurposed.
What negative energy in your life do you need to let go. You know that the world around you has changed, and intuitively know it won’t be
going back to what was. Consider where, in your personal life, you need to change to adapt to this the new environment.
Think about the projects you want to work on and complete instead of adding anything new. Themes and issues from June 2021 may be coming
back into your life, and need to be dealt with. With the other current planetary alignments, emotionally you may feel scattered or
overwhelmed. This is where being organized and deliberately paying attention to details will enhance your personal power because you
know that no storm is ever too strong or wild for you to move through.

This New Moon brings forth wounds from your childhood that will enable you to become aware of where you are stuck in the past and how they
are manifesting in your life today. Explore habits, beliefs, and attitudes you are holding onto from your childhood that you no longer
need to keep. Sometimes just becoming aware of these can be a gentle opener to healing changes and how you can shift and transform this
energy to allow you to evolve and grow.
You will be seeking depth and transformation in your partnerships and relationships, and won’t be satisfied with surface level gloss
overs. Find the truth at the heart of your desires and then proactively address them for the solutions. There may even be the
opportunity for you to meet someone new who could be one of the most intense people you have ever met. Tread carefully for this is
all about romance that is passionate and exciting but also about power.

Another area this New Moon will shine her light on is on the importance of health - your personal habits and lifestyle choices that you may
think are inconsequential right now but over time, can create longer term health issues and concerns. Look at how you can take better
care of yourself now and then make the beneficial tweaks.
It's a great time to plant your intentions for the next six months. Everything that you set your attention to now will come to fruition
in March of 2022. Start thinking, what small, measured, and actionable steps can you take to improve your life over the next six months.

The Knight of Pentacles does not have everything figured out yet and the need to press pause for a moment to carefully evaluate your goals.
It is the card that encourages you on your journey of self-development and improvement. To make more time to get your life organized and in
order. While you are implementing new routines and schedules to increase your productivity and efficiency, make sure that you are not
stifling to your creativity and innovation.
Whatever area of life you want to change or improve, this is an excellent time to commit to a plan. Look at every part of your life
and check to see what is in balance and what is not. Recognize which details are worth paying attention to, and which are not. Expand
your belief systems that will enable you to effectively adapt to a changing world, both inside and out.
Schedule a Reading with me today to find what is on YOUR path ahead!
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards (in order shown):
Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Nyx Rowan; Animal Totem Tarot by L. Robertson and E. Smith; Couture Tarot by Megan Skinner;
The Shadowland Tarot by Monica Bodirsky; Superlunaris Tarot Deck by J. Schuler and J. Schaffer; Wizards Tarot by M. Moore and M. Janssens;
Crow Tarot by MJ Culliane; Painting by unknown artist
Past Blogs
Click year to view. Click again to hide.
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