New Moon Aries
March 31, 2022 at 11:24pm (PDT)
April 1, 2022 at 2:24am (EDT)
Healing, Courage, Action
This New Moon in Aries is the first New Moon of a new astrological year which is the building blocks for the type of energies in your life for the coming year.

Whatever is troubling you during this New Moon is something you have the power to work through by going within and working on yourself first.
During this New Moon, there is a strong influence of Chiron (a minor planet and part of Centaur constellation), the healing centaur, who is
known as the wounded healer. It has healing energies and helps to take your vulnerabilities and deepest most tender inner buried wounds,
often created during childhood but also develop during adulthood, and turn them into a source of strength and wisdom.

This healing can only happen when you acknowledge and accept those parts of yourself that are or have been broken and wounded. You can
pinpoint the wounds you carry with you throughout your life by where Chiron is in your astrological natal birth chart. Some people already
intuitively know where these deep wounds are. Some continue living with the wounds because they are not even aware that there’s another
way. Some people either brush their wounds off for their entire lives and try to pretend that they didn’t happen, leaving those wounds
lurking in the background of their unconscious and that ultimately end up sabotaging them in unconscious ways. And for some people, some
wounds will never heal, requiring them to accept it as a part of who they are.

Now is the time to heal yourself of old wounds, finding new strengths from some of the hardships you have gone through and allowing your
wounds to show you a new way forward. With this Chiron energy you can transform what was wounded into a gift, a vocation, your legacy
where you could potentially both heal and teach others once you’ve done your own self-work. Identity wounds can metaphor into seeing the
uniqueness in yourself and others. Communication struggles can morph into honest communications, loyalty and individualism. Inadequacies
can transform into art or writings that touch the souls of others. Take the first steps to heal what needs to be healed. There are
opportunities to extract new wisdoms and insights from your wounds so you can use them to transcend and help others.
This Aries energy also focuses on ‘doing something’. It wants you to stretch beyond your comfort zones, to take the initiative and actions,
to take charge of your life, to turn your passions into reality, to discover your own personal courage, and have the confidence to try
something new and innovative.

Although this New Moon gives you the courage to try again in relationships, partnerships and friendships, it also asks you to reevaluate your
relationship with yourself and determine how to truly first rely on yourself to find inner happiness and peace. Make important changes in
your life and commit to personal goals that are solid yet realistic for new beginnings and figure out how to start making them happen. And
then start taking small steps of action to achieve those goals.

The Three of Wands tarot card is about learning through experience and coming into your own strength that gives you a wisdom that cannot
be found in books. It also is about liberating yourself from painful situations that will then give you a sense of personal power and of
being comfortable with who you are in the world. A time of growth and personal development where you will feel more optimistic about new
endeavors you are committed to or want to commit to.

I partnered the 3 of Wands with the Mookaite jasper which is an aboriginal mother earth stone that helps reveal the true reasons for
avoiding certain changes and brings the motivational energies by making it easier to resolve the issues. It helps with decision making
with accepting new ideas and change. It reminds you that there’s nothing in this world that you cannot handle, that you are stronger
than you think you are, and that you have everything at your disposal to be successful. Hold Mookaite in your hand during meditation
to help with the release of old patterns and wounds that inhibit growth.

This New Moon is a time to heal the areas of your life that are holding you back to enable you to move forward with confidence and courage.
Look towards unfamiliar terrain for opportunities.
Call in your intuition.
Create your vision and get clarity of direction.
Dream bigger than your limitation.
Take action in the direction that will help you achieve your success.
With an open mind welcome new experiences, perspectives, habits, behaviors, and ideas into your life to move you towards the life you envision.
Are you ready for a new start? Have some questions or hesitations? Want a new life direction but not sure where to start or which way to go?
What do you want the rest of 2022 to look like?
Schedule a reading with me to answer these questions to find a new path on your life journey!
Until Next Time,
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards in order shown: Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland; The New Chapter Tarot by Kathryn Briggs; Couture Tarot by Megan Skinner;
The Sirian Starseed Tarot by P. Cori and A. Bartha; The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant; The Afro Goddess Tarot Arcanas by Andrea Furtick;
The Rosebud Tarot by A. L. Stilwell and D. R. Harper; The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne; ‘GrandMother Spider’ © Jo Jayson 2016
and used with permission.
Past Blogs
Click year to view. Click again to hide.
New Moon Aries, March 31, 2022
New Moon Pisces, March 2, 2022
The Super-Charged Energy, February 22, 2022
New Moon Aquarius, January 31, 2022
New Moon Capricorn, January 2, 2022
2022 The Year of The Lovers
New Moon in Sagittarius and Solar Eclipse, December 4, 2021
Full Moon Taurus and Partial Lunar Eclipse, November 19, 2021
New Moon Scorpio, November 4, 2021
Remembrance Cookies, October 31, 2021
New Moon Libra, October 6, 2021
New Moon Virgo, September 6, 2021
Uranus is Retrograde in Taurus, August 19, 2021
New Moon Leo, August 8, 2021
New Moon Cancer, July 9, 2021
New Moon in Gemini, June 10, 2021
New Moon in Taurus, May 11, 2021
New Moon in Aries, April 11, 2021
New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021
New Moon Aquarius, February 11, 2021
New Moon Capricorn, January 12-13, 2021
2021, The Year of the Hierophant, Beliefs, Balance and New Paths
Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020, The Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 14, 2020, New Perspective, New Direction
New Moon Saturday November 14th, 2020, Transformations, Strength
Full Blue Moon October 31st, 2020 Halloween, All Hallow's Eve, Samhain
New Moon October 16th, 2020 Balance, Harmony, Patience
New Moon September 17, 2020 Organize, Simplify
New Moon August 18th, 2020 Get It Together
New Moon July 20, 2020 Revise, Rebuild
June 2020 Transformation, Redirection
May 2020 Opportunities for New Beginnings
April 2020 A Time to Review and Reset
March 2020 Evolving into a Different Future
February 2020 New Seeds of Inspiration
January 2020 Endings and Beginnings