New Moon Gemini
May 30, 2022 at 4:30am PDT
Communicate, Listen, Socialize
This New Moon’s energies are lighter and easier and can inspire a shift in our way of thinking while enhancing socialization and communication.
This action-oriented energy can make things feel exciting and invigorating with the power of potentials, possibilities, and can-do attitudes
Use what you have learned over the past few months to make positive changes, and to challenge yourself to see situations from a new perspective
and an open mind. Be open to new ideas that will provide you the opportunity to make small adjustments to leave past thoughts and beliefs behind. Ignite your curiosity. Explore the bold ideas you had earlier this year that are popping back up.
Invite a sense of purpose back into your life by articulating and committing to what dreams and goals you want to make come true. Find new
creative ways to express yourself verbally, artistically, or through writing in any form including texts, emails and dm’s. Look ahead with
faith and more optimism since this is a time for innovative and optimistic plans with some of your new creative ideas being potentially
growth oriented.
Many times we think communication has taken place when in fact it has not – it was an illusion. Focus on improving your listening skills
by being present, staying open-minded and not letting a fear of feedback or a fear of changing the status quo have you stuck in a cycle of
inaction or missing opportunities for connection and growth. Be inquisitive, humble, kind, and be teachable. Listen to other’s strengths,
not their weaknesses. Make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others by listening to who they really are instead of conversing
with preset views and judgments.
Gemini is a social sign, so step outside your comfort zone and look for new ways and places to connect with others. Surround yourself with
those who reflect the person you want to be by choosing to socialize with those who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and
respect you in return. Gather new and interesting subjects to initiate conversations with those you know and those you just met. Expand your
social circles, and even if you haven’t addressed or solved all your problems, issues and concerns, don’t be afraid to take some risks and try
something new. Get out of any negative spirals of thinking and take control of your wheel of life to start guiding it in the direction you
need to go based on what is in your heart and dreams.
Ace of Swords represents the mental clarity which you can see the world from a new point of view, as a place that is filled with nothing
but new possibilities. This Ace gives the go ahead, to work on your goals so follow your nudges to waiting opportunities. It is about fresh
new ideas and plans. In fact, you may have so many new ideas from different directions and sources you may want to start writing them down to
reference them at a later time. Try going someplace different where you could make new connections and new bonds of friendships that could
open doors to new beginnings. Try learning something new which could even have you going a new direction on your path in life.
The Page of Cups is about curiosity, new possibilities, new outlook. Be open and embrace new ideas from unexpected places and people.
Daydream a little and explore new ways to tap into your creativity. After the past 6 months of emotional turmoil, don’t take things too
seriously right now. it would be good for you to relax a little by spending time with friends (especially those younger than yourself) and
family while engaging in activities you enjoy, especially those that you did when you were a child or teen.
This New Moon is offering you the opportunity to be the author of your own story. So start writing and living a new chapter in the book of
your life. Don’t overthink or overanalyze – just start. The world is full of possibilities if you are open to seeing them. Start believing
that more is possible for you and then take the steps to make it happen.
And if you are unsure about how to start on this new chapter,
schedule a Reading with me today to see
what the possibilities are!
Until Next Time,
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards in order shown: Moonology Oracle cards by Yasmin Boland; Crow Tarot by M.J. Cullinane; Animal Totem Tarot by L. Robertson and E. Smith;
The Rosebud Tarot by Diana Rose Harper & Amanda Lee Stilwell; Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert; Tarot of the Cosmic Seed by Lalania Simone;
Couture Tarot by Megan Skinner; The Empathic Oracle by S. Wilson and M. Motuzas; ‘GrandMother Spider’ © Jo Jayson 2016 used with permission
Past Blogs
Click year to view. Click again to hide.
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New Moon Taurus, April 30, 2022
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New Moon Pisces, March 2, 2022
The Super-Charged Energy, February 22, 2022
New Moon Aquarius, January 31, 2022
New Moon Capricorn, January 2, 2022
2022 The Year of The Lovers
New Moon in Sagittarius and Solar Eclipse, December 4, 2021
Full Moon Taurus and Partial Lunar Eclipse, November 19, 2021
New Moon Scorpio, November 4, 2021
Remembrance Cookies, October 31, 2021
New Moon Libra, October 6, 2021
New Moon Virgo, September 6, 2021
Uranus is Retrograde in Taurus, August 19, 2021
New Moon Leo, August 8, 2021
New Moon Cancer, July 9, 2021
New Moon in Gemini, June 10, 2021
New Moon in Taurus, May 11, 2021
New Moon in Aries, April 11, 2021
New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021
New Moon Aquarius, February 11, 2021
New Moon Capricorn, January 12-13, 2021
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March 2020 Evolving into a Different Future
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