Wise Owl Musings

New Moon Virgo
August 27, 2022 at 1:17 a.m. PDT
Boundaries, Grounding, Patience

The New Moon in Virgo will be a tad bit challenging because it is in a tight square with the warrior planet Mars in Gemini, which is also square the Sun; so for the next few weeks, things may not go smoothly as you had wanted or hoped. But all this will offer or show you something new about your life which will put you on the path to make practical plans for your future. It may be for your inner life, or it may be for your outer life. But it's your life either way. It's different for everyone, but where you are now and where you might be 6 months from now could be totally different and new.
Virgo is a very thought-oriented sign that likes order. Mars is the planet of action, energy, and fire, and its energy can sometimes make you feel a little irritable and stir things up where you may be holding on to fears and insecurities. It can deplete your tolerance levels making you short on patience and easily frustrated. If you notice any of these feelings arise, try being more compassionate towards yourself and others.

On deeper levels Mars often stirs less pleasant emotions of unresolved fears and insecurities that are preventing you from speaking your truth and doing what you want to do. The frustration or irritability you feel is about where you have not been standing up for yourself, or not following your heart or passions.

Stay grounded when those curveballs are thrown your way by not overcomplicating your feelings. You will have a better chance of navigating those times when you have pared things down to basics. Check in with your criticism and judgments of both yourself and others and how you see things of right or wrong to enable you to consider how to adjust your perception to be less critical. And when you do feel yourself getting irritable, ask yourself where it may be really coming from and be careful of taking it out on the wrong people.
Be wary of letting anger make your decisions or of being too forceful in promoting a personal agenda. Expect to encounter verbal and mental challenges of all kinds, which you won’t see coming and can pop up in an instant. With Mars in communicative Gemini, it will be important to think before you speak, since words spoken impulsively or in haste, whether deliberately or not, could hurt or even harm other’s feelings and even return to haunt you. Be less quick to act; let things sit a bit before speaking or taking any actions.
Your patience may be tested so don’t sweat the small stuff. You may feel more on edge, more restless, more easily irritated, resulting in out of character impulsive and erratic actions. Finding flaws and nitpicking what truly isn’t important will end up not going well, especially since these could be the result of ongoing habits that you don’t want to let go of, where you have been lingered longer than you should have. See where you need to move beyond what you have resisted changing because of attachments to what is familiar and comfortable.
Apply some stability to your life and embrace boundaries. Mars energy can be channeled into physical activity, and coupled with super organized and meticulous Virgo, you could take this opportunity to channel the irritability into doing a deep cleaning or reorganizing of your space and you life. Start now so as not let yourself get spread too thin in the coming weeks and months. All those ambitions and dreams are worthy, but there's only one of you and your energy is finite and needs regular replenishing. Pace yourself. Prioritize.

The number five typically represent conflict and change, and the Five of Wands is no exception. This card indicates tensions, conflicts and misunderstandings. Not only could it adding anxiety and discord to your life and to the lives of others, it is impacting your ability to move forward with your goals.

If you find yourself in this situation, see it as an opportunity to rise above the chaos and disorder. But it will have to start with you. Try to be more patient with yourself and others. Don’t react- instead take a moment to listen to what others have to say – even if you agree to disagree. It may be the smallest of things that is causing the biggest issues. Use your communication skills to find the root cause of the problems and therefore, try to overcome them.
New Moon Virgo is about taking a closer look at your habits, rituals, schedule, and the tiny steps that are needed to help you create your bigger visions. There are different paths to take you where you want to go, so don’t fixate on just one. Consider all of them before taking that first step. And sift through all the distractions without getting reactive. It doesn’t matter what someone else is doing or wants you to do - you just focus on you doing and being you.
Want to find out what small things are causing big issues in your life? Book a reading for September now since availability for the month is becoming limited.
Until Next Time,
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards in order shown: Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland; The Tarot of Bones by Lupa; The Gift of Life Tarot by Alice Smeets; Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reed; The Tarot of Curious Creatures by Chris-Anne; Tarot for Kids by T. Reed and K. Whitman; Guardian of the Night Tarot by MJ Cullinane; True Heart Intuitive Tarot by Rachel True; The Cosmo Tarot by Sarah Potter; ‘GrandMother Spider’ © Jo Jayson 2016 used with permission.
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