Wise Owl Musings

Autumn Equinox
September 22, 2022
Release, Reorient, Rediscover

On September 22, 2022 at 6:04 pm PDT we enter the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. “Equinox” means “equal” and “night” refers to the calendar day when there is a 12-hour day and 12-hour night, which is the moment of stillness before the Earth shifts. When the veil between the physical and spiritual world is thinnest and the energy of Mother Earth goes into a higher vibration and harmony.
This September equinox brings to close the past 6 months when the Northern Hemisphere has been the closest to the Sun, and now will tilt away from the life-supporting energy of the Sun. As Earth’s proximity to the Sun lessens, the days shorten and the nights lengthen, while the temperature becomes colder since the physical energy of the Sun is felt less.
Autumn is a slower, quieter pace
A time of inward stillness
The metaphoric death for transformation in spring
Which can be seen when
The leaves fall from the trees
Summer blooms fade
Nature begins to migrate and prepare for hibernation
Autumn represents a time of releasing
Of reorienting yourself to a new direction
Into the coldest and darkest months of the year
It is a time turn inward
To rediscover your own light that exists only within darkness
Your inner voice that can only be heard in the quiet
And the richness that can be found only in stillness
The Autumn Equinox is a time your past and future merge into the present moment. To recall each step that has gotten you to where you are now, so that you can acknowledge that this moment is leading to all that will be ahead on the journey in front of you. When you can bridge together who you have been with who you are becoming, and to honor what you have lived as well as what you are still discovering.
Let go of all that you have been taught and to listen to the stillness within. Move through your inner landscape while the outer world begins to slow. Let go of who you have become for only then you can become the student who knows each moment of life is a teacher allowing you to hear the wisdom in each moment. Heal through feelings, and to release and let go of beliefs, habits, emotions. Have a deeper awareness and an entirely new discovery of self and who you are. Sense the guidance in moments of silence.
It is a time of endings and beginnings, and about growth and transformation. This can only take place when there is space to do so. Empty what is ready to be emptied. Let go and release all that is no longer needed. The darkness, the silence and the unknown is where you meet yourself anew. Over the next three months, introspection and review will be essential since much will be revealed as you go within and become more mindful. You may realize an inner truth that you may not have seen before, which, in turn, will alter your perspectives and plans for the future as you move into the next chapters of your journey that will be written in the coming months.
Let’s do a Reading to discover what this season’s next chapter is all about for YOU!
Until Next Time,
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards in order shown: Sacred Destiny Oracle by Denise Linn; The Radiant Tarot by A. Eldridge and T. Barnstone; Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert; New Chapter Tarot by Kathryn Briggs; The Key Tarot by S. Ravenswood and J. Gold; Tarot de St. Croix by Lisa de St.Croix; Dreamtime Reading Cards by Laura Bowen;
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