Wise Owl Musings

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse
October 25, 2022 at 3:48 am PST
Closings, Challenges, Changes

The New Moon in Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse is about brand new chapters, huge new beginnings, and exciting opportunities while bringing swift shifts for your future. While a New Moon lasts up to four weeks, the effects of a solar eclipse can last nearly six months and has the potential of being a game changer for all of us.
Matters related to relationships, intimacy, control, power, money, and values will be a strong focus in the weeks and even months ahead. Surprises unfold with sudden and pivotal changes of heart or relationship revelations could be in store. Unforeseeable shifts in your path can take place very quickly, and new opportunities can materialize seemingly out of thin air. It’s about strengthening yourself from the inside out.
Dig deep, and face things you’ve hidden even from yourself. Deal with repressed negative emotions from the past, such as fear, anger, and pain. Look within to find out which raw wounds you are still holding onto, especially those from your childhood. These are the ones that, to some degree, limit your ability to fully live in the present since they color all your reactions to circumstances of life on a daily basis. Only by knowing what your traumas are can you begin to address and overcome them so that you can recognize your emotional strength and resilience to face life's challenges without them.
This lunation is about the art of letting go since solar eclipses speed up timelines and bring about destined events that often coincide with major turning points in life. Don’t be afraid to address the things that no longer work for you. Ask yourself if there are any energies, behaviors, routines, habits, situations, personal stories, negative relationships or people that you're ready to let go of and move on from — this is a necessary step because you must first have space to fill before you can call in something fresh and new. Reflect on what you need to release in order to begin again.

Don’t take any harsh actions during an eclipse, but instead observe, reassess, and make plans to let go once and for all. Listen to your heart and trust in the Universe. While eclipses can feel destabilizing, Scorpio’s energy will help you face this time with grace and a sense of personal empowerment allowing you to re-balance your life.

Intimacy, trust, and vulnerability issues may test your relationships, especially since you could find yourself wanting or fixating on things or people from the past. Don’t be surprised if skeletons in the closet — yours or a partner, friend, colleague’s — are exposed now. Secrets can come out and with them intense emotions bubble to the surface; so be as honest as possible with the people you love and care about. Bringing light to these darker areas will allow the needed healing that has the key to open your heart a little bit further. Any imbalance between the love you give and receive will need correcting now. Listen to your heart, keep a clear head and try not to rush with your judgments. The message of this solar eclipse is to leave the past behind as you begin a new chapter that ultimately makes you happiest.
The 6 of Swords Tarot card is about changes or endings and moving in a different direction even though it might cause feelings of uncertainty. Of letting go of what no longer serves you, and leaving the past behind with no regrets or looking back because bigger and better things lie ahead for you. This may be easier said than done, but accepting and embracing your own transformational healing journey is the message of this card. Experiences that may once have been painful or buried deep gradually become a part of your life that you can learn from. Part of who you are, but not you. They are with you, not of you.

Since this lunation is an eclipse, you may want to hold off on any of your usual new-moon rituals. Due to the unpredictability and volatility of a solar eclipse, this is not a great moon to set intentions or to manifest, and steer clear from charging crystals and cleansing divination tools.

Magical opportunities await you. Eclipses are pivotal and their effects can be permanent, since they have a way of closing chapters and steering you forward in a new direction while being pushed to make fated choices, whether you think you’re ready to or not. They mark brand new chapters and exciting opportunities revealing new beginnings that will take place.
Let’s do a Reading for you to find out where will new beginnings and opportunities be showing up for you in the next 6 months!
Until Next Time,
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards in order shown: Moonology by Y. Boland and N. Rowan; Happy Halloween Tarot by Soni Graves; Trick or Treat Tarot by Barbara Moore; Tarot of the Haunted House by S. Graham and M. Pierfederici; Jack-O-Lantern Tarot by G. Costa and R. Paul; Ghost Tarot by Davide Cozsi; Santa Muerte Tarot by Fabio Listrani; The Halloween Tarot By Kiplilng West; Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza
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