Wise Owl Musings

January 2024
The First Chapters of The Age of Aquarius
Radical Shifts, Growth, Evolution

Aquarius Season begins on January 20, 2024 with the Sun moving into Aquarius. This is followed by the planet Pluto moving into Aquarius on the January 21st ushering in a new chapter that will amplify the Aquarian themes such as humanitarianism, social justice, community, communications, sharing information, networks, technology, inventions, and social connections while promising to redefine the course of our lives and society at large. Over the next two decades, anticipate a time of unprecedented advancements that will reshape our lives and redefine our world.
It symbolizes a shift towards a more inclusive, innovative, and decentralized world, where the dynamics of power will be rebalanced. We will have to navigate uncharted waters while embracing the opportunities for growth and transformation that usher in an era of collaboration, inclusivity, and stunning new ideas.

We have been focused on individualism, of becoming self-empowered, of creating individual solid foundation for ourselves. Now we will be asked to find unity where it matters most thereby pushing us to progress as a whole society. Consider getting more involved in the betterment of our world, understanding that the smallest of seeds can grow into a forest.

Who are you becoming?
Challenge some of the ways you have been thinking.
See if you can start looking at things from a new vantage point.
Find that cause that fills your heart with passion.
Your purpose doesn’t have to be big and grand
But find where you can positively contribute
To bring forth a more enlightened world
Ask yourself
Where have you been living life too small?
Where have you been staying behind the scenes?
What brings you a sense of purpose and then think of ways you can start to infuse more purpose into your life.
What kind of changes do you want to see for the future? Start by taking one small step towards making that change happen.
If you’ve been unsure and hesitating to commit to a purpose much bigger than you, feel the fear and do it anyway.
By getting involved and evaluating the structures and beliefs that have defined you, you will be able to see past the rigid paths of outcome and the way you thought they should be, thereby foregoing the need for personal gains and instead focusing on matters and issues that affect everyone, the collective. It will be about prioritizing the good of the group over that of the individual. We’ll all have to work together in new ways now to welcome the uncharted territories of growth and evolution. To create the framework for the next season of our lives. To make this world a better place.
Embrace the unknown of what lies ahead for individual change and change on a global scale for there is no going back to what once was. This is a truly monumental and once-in-a-lifetime planetary shift that has tremendous implications for all of humanity as we head into the future.
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards from Tarot of the Cosmic Seed by Lalania Simone; Seelenreise Tarot by J. Aurelia and M. Bittner; Wild Child Tarot by N. Junhasiri and N. Aphigongcharoen; Heartscape Tarot by Camlet Studios Limited Partnership; LightSeer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne; 78 Tarot Halloween by Braden Duncan
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