Wise Owl Musings

Your Time to Shine

Be unapologetically yourself
Be open to new ideas and passionate endeavors that bring you joy and fulfillment
Boldly step into your unique self-expression
Embrace your unique talents, skills and abilities
Explore new avenues and possibilities and opportunities
Listen to your innovative ideas and exciting projects
Set bold intentions and reconnect with your heart’s desires
Feel confident and optimistic about your abilities
Chase after new goals and dreams for yourself
To make your own wishes come true
Then get clear on what you want to achieve
Tune into the specifics of the plan you want to set into motion
So you can set out to make it happen
For it can if you are willing
To put in the effort, hard work and determination
So as to start building for the future
Your future.
Joyful and Peaceful Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Card from The Peculiar Pathways Tarot by Lennox Rees
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