Wise Owl Musings

The Year Ahead
Reflect, Release, Refine

2024 rushed by us all full of highs, lows, and everything in between. We are all pretty much feeling weary from this past year while at the same time we certainly can appreciate the quiet joys and recognize what matters most.
Before the New Year begins, hit pause, reflect, and take stock of the hard-won wisdoms you gained in 2024 - each challenge you faced this year,
Every victory
Every joy
Every trial
And unexpected surprises
All of them hold valuable insights waiting to be discovered. It isn't only what happened but what it taught you and how those lessons can shape your next life chapters.
Which moments, lessons, or breakthroughs are too valuable to leave behind?
What brought you the most joy this year?
What was the bravest thing you did and what did it teach you about yourself?
What was your biggest mistake – and what did you learn from it?
What are you most grateful for – and who/what do you have to thank for it?
Remember those important moments, then catch your breath and focus on the coming year and what you can control going forward.

Numerology wise, adding up the numbers for 2025 -- 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9.

The number 9 year in numerology represents the closing of a cycle; a year where things come to a culmination as you reap what you have sown in 2024 and then the door closes on things that you need to let go of. It is a year to complete unfinished business, reach conclusions, and tie up loose ends, for all endings pave the way for new beginnings. These actions will help you step into the next chapter of your life without the pressure of unresolved matters of the past pulling you back - for your past impacts your present and how you create your future.
The number 9 matches up to the Tarot Major Arcana 9 card The Hermit. The Hermit is a sage mystic who is patient, empathic, reflective, thoughtful, and has a powerful link to the Divine. This card invites introspection and tranquility. Instead of pushing forward, try pausing for self-reflection and understanding. It also is about release, wisdom, refinement, reflection, endings, consolidation, culmination, and completion.
The Hermit’s path is one of profound self-discovery.
One where you are seeking your true path – a path which only comes from within.
During the Hermit year you will be:
Learning from the past - not just your past but the world’s
Developing your natural gifts
Gathering as much wisdom as you can
Studying spiritual philosophies and wisdom teachings
Looking at how one's role in the world might change in the future
Committing to a regular spiritual practice
Embracing your alone time
Showing others your compassion and kindness
Astrologically, during the first part of the year, the Universe wants you to slow down, reflect, and recalibrate, especially where and on what you are choosing to spend your energy on. Get extremely clear and conscious of what’s been working, what hasn’t and why. Look back at the past year to understand the path that led to the present. Take an honest inventory of what has been, so you know what is truly important to you.
What signs were missed along the way that could have changed the course of your direction?
What opportunities worked out well and which didn’t?
What needs to come to a close and be let go so that you can find and see what is in alignment for you and what will pave the way for a completely new path in the coming year.
Which goals still require attention? Reconnect with the bigger picture, plans, goals, and achievements.
Look at the bigger picture and at your role in the world. What part did you play and how might that change in the future?
In Chinese Astrology, 2025 will be the Year of the Green Wood Snake which begins with the New Moon on Jan 29, 2025 at 4:36 AM PST.

The snake is associated with wisdom, charm, elegance, and transformation; and the Year of the Snake is a time to embrace change, fluidity, trust instincts, and make well thought out decisions. It's also a time to focus on long-term plans, creativity, and intuition. It reminds you that it’s time to shed the skins of the past and to remain open-minded and flexible to the new possibilities that will arise.

Take stock of what you’ve gained, all the ways in which you’ve transformed, and then also say “goodbye” to those things that you’ve outgrown. You do not have to accept things you do not want or like; and you have the power to change and to make different choices for better outcomes.
Looking at 2025, it will be a year where things will be ending so new things can begin. It will be a year of letting go of how you think things should be so they can eventually evolve into what needs to be. Big changes are in the gestation process so now is a good time to explore mapping out the life of your dreams and new ways of living your life. Embrace the spirit of change, seize the new opportunities that will be presented to you, and navigate the New Year with renewed purpose and clarity.
Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others
Love and be loved
See miracles everywhere
Joyful and Abundant Blessings,
Lisa Luna
Cards from: The Meraki Tarot by Bouchette Design; Tarot of Oneness by Robyn Voisey; Tarot of H’Arts by Isabel Hayes; Cat Tarot by LouisArtTarot; The Lineages of Change Tarot by various authors and artists; Erenberg Tarot by Steve Erenberg; Anima Mundi Tarot by Megan Wyrenweden; Under the Oak Tarot by Ofride and StregaDelleMele; Seelenreise Tarot by J. Aurelia and M. Bittner
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